Paired-end mappability of transposable elements in the human genome
The first summer code camp held from June 10th to Jun 21st finished with success. We had 15 middle school girls from Las Vegas sign up, and 13 completed the ...
Corinne was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). She is part of a diverse group of 2000 awardees, that include underrep...
Dylan and Mira presented their research at Rocky 2018 and enjoyed the beautiful Aspen in snow. Although it was a journey to reach Aspen, the conference was w...
Brian K, Jessica S, Chris, Jessica W, Aser, Dylan and Brian W presented posters at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Well done, everyone. It was a...
An article on Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine was published in the August issue of Desert Companion. It is a great piece written by Erin Ryan, base...
Jonaid is headed out to Penn State to continue his PhD training in Bioinformatics. Wish you the best!
Congratulations! GM Jonaid successfully presented and defended his Master thesis, entitled “Expression of LINE-1 in Human Somatic Tissues and the Factors Ass...
Nicky and Austin leaves for Durham, NC. Together they have been a significant force in building the lab and contributed in so many ways. Still remember sh...
Team at Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine (NIPM) were recently awarded a NIH COBRE grant to advance personalized medicine in Nevada. Our lab will ...
New students will be joining the lab for the summer. Aser Garcia comes from Tarleton State University to participate in the Research Experience for Undergrad...
Sophia was awarded the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for 2018. One of only 211 Goldwater Scholars this year. Congratulations! Related News
Mira received a National Science Foundation Career Award for her research project, “Using Indel Rate Variation to Understand Evolutionary Constraints on Dist...